Annual Report 2015


Report 2015


Date of foundation of MOL Plc.: October 1, 1991. Registered by the Budapest Court of Justice acting as Court of Registration on June 10, 1992 with effect as of October 1, 1991, under file number 01-10-041683.

Legal predecessor: Országos Kőolaj- és Gázipari Tröszt (OKGT National Oil and Gas Trust) and its subsidiaries.

The effective Articles of Association were accepted at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 24 April 2014. Following that the Board of Directors amended the list of business premises and branch offices in Annex 2 of Articles of Association with the effect of 19 February 2015 and 17 March 2016. Access to the Articles of Association can be requested from the Company or the latest electronic version can be downloaded from Company's web site.

Registered share capital as of 31 December 2015: 104,518,484 registered A series ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 1,000 each, 1 registered B series preferred share with a par value of HUF 1,000 with special preferential rights attached and 578 registered C series ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 1,001 each.



Please note, that data above do not fully reflect the ownership structure in the Share Registrar. It is based on the received request for registration of the shares and the published shareholders notifications. The registration is not mandatory. The shareholder may exercise its rights towards the company, if the shareholder is registered in the Share Registrar. According to the Articles of Association no shareholder or shareholder group may exercise more than 10% of the voting rights.


MOL share prices are published by the majority of Hungarian daily newspapers and available on BSE web site ( Indicative bid and ask prices of MOL’s DRs on IOB can be monitored using the RIC code MOLBq.L on Thomson Reuters or MOLD LI on Bloomberg. MOL shares and DRs are traded on one of the US OTC market, Pink Sheet.

MOL share prices on the Budapest Stock Exchange can be followed on Thomson Reuters using the RIC code MOLB.BU or on Bloomberg using code MOL HB.

The following table shows trading data on MOL shares each quarter of 2015.



During 2015 the following treasury shares transactions happened:



Senior Management change in MOL Group Upstream:

Alexander Dodds, Executive Vice President of Group Exploration & Production (E&P) left his position for personal reasons as of 21 September 2015.

Dr. Berislav Gaso had been nominated to manage the E&P segment of MOL Group in his current capacity as Chief Operating Officer.

The Annual General Meeting on 16 April 2015 made the following resolutions:

  • re-elected Mr. Zsigmond Járai to be a member of the Board of Directors from 29 April 2015 to 28 April 2020.
  • re-elected Dr László Parragh to be a member of the Board of Directors from 29 April 2015 to 28 April 2020.
  • re-elected Dr Martin Roman to be a member of the Board of Directors from 29 April 2015 to 28 April 2020.
  • elected Dr. Norbert Szivek as member of the Supervisory Board from 29 April 2015 to 28 April 2020.

The mandate of Mr. István Töröcskei as a member of the Supervisory Board expired.

MOL securities held by Directors and Officers of the company as of 31 December 2015


* Perpetual exchangeable capital security, issued by Magnolia Finance Ltd, exchangeable into “A” Series MOL Ordinary Shares with nominal value EUR 100,000
**Mr József Simola owns 2 pieces of MOL GROUP FINANCE USD bond expiring on 26 September 2019 with nominal value USD 200,000